Factors To Consider When Installing a New Whirlpool Tub

whirlpool tub from ClassicWhirlpools.com

A whirlpool tub may seem like it is a great option to have in your home, I mean what is better than having a spa inside of your home? Well, that is when you should know more about what type of factors are present when you are going to have some form of the whirlpool tubs installed inside of your home. By knowing about these factors it will be very easy for you to see if this is going to meet your needs or not. Without these factors being taken into account, it is very easy to be shocked when you see just what goes into installing the tub.

Tub Installation Basics

The first thing that you need to consider is the type of electric supply that is available where you are going to look at putting the tub. You may not think about this, but when you are using the tubs, because they are a whirlpool tub they are going to need to have electric to them. That is because it is going to have pumps to run the jets. So you need to make sure you have the proper electric available and if not it can easily be run to where you need it.

Plumbing Requirements

Plumbing outlets that are present in the region you are planning on installing the tub at is something else you need to think about. While you may have never thought about this before, the tub may need to have a little bit larger plumbing connection for it to drain properly, but also to run the water into the tub and power the jets. So you need to make sure you have the proper plumbing in your home to support the tub.


Finally these tubs are going to be putting down a lot of direct weight onto the flooring. Since this is the case, you may need to get some of the flooring reinforced. Then you can start to get the plumbing installed and know that it is going to keep your tub in the proper place, instead of it falling through the floor.

Being able to find the right whirlpool tubs is a good thing, but you need to make sure you know about the factors that you need to have in the installation process. Then you will be able to get the tub installed and know you are doing it properly and safely.


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